WhatsApp is always known for rolling out amazing features for its users, a few days back I posted an article regarding WhatsApp is planning to launch a payment system in India, and now another news is coming regarding a new rumored feature of WhatsApp. This new feature is the most awaited feature in the most popular instant messaging app, it is called as the 'Unsend' Message feature, that will allow an individual to Unsend or Edit an already sent message within the 5 minutes of time-frame.
Read about WhatsApp Introducing Payment here.
According to @WABetaInfo, the firm which is testing the feature in a new beta release of WhatsApp Web version 0.2.4077, which will allow users to ‘unsend’ sent messages within a five-minute time frame.
Another feature that is rumored to come along with or without this 'Unsend' Message feature in WhatsApp is, providing number of shortcuts for formatting text, for example in order to send a bold text in WhatsApp at present we use to write the text within two asterisks sign like*HELLO*, and it gets bold in the chat window, so WhatsApp is planning to roll out this feature where, when we will select a portion of text, the app will display a full range of formatting option. Currently, this feature is also in its testing phase and it is getting tested in the beta version of WhatsApp Android App.
Currently, WhatsApp supports only three formatting text option using special commands, one I already stated above, in order to make the text bold we need to write the text between two asterisks(*) sign and if we want to achieve the italic text format in WhatsApp then we need to write the text between underscores(_) sign like _hello_ and in order to strike through the text we use tildes(~) sign like ~Hello~. So Once this amazing feature will be rolled out there will be a number of more formatting options will be made available for users to improve their experience of chatting using WhatsApp.
Source of Information:http://www.deccanchronicle.com
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