Google has launched the developer preview images of Android O for Pixel and Nexus users a few weeks ago. Just after rolling out the second beta version of Android Nougat 7.1.2 for the Pixel and Nexus Series this Android O developer preview images was also rolled out by Google.
Well, the news that is coming from the Internet these days is that Android O might not be the official name of this upcoming Android version but for now, as this operating system is in its testing phase the developer team has called it as Android O. The developer team has rolled out the preview images of this new upcoming Android version for the users of Google pixel and nexus series phones in order to make them a part of testing phase and get valuable feedbacks from them and get the bugs reported from them if there exist any.
In this article of mine, I am going to list down some of the awesome features that have been reported in this new version of Android Operating System and that looks very promising.
Let us get started:
- Customized Notifications: Well Android Operating System is well known for its customization feature, however this time it has gone a step further and has presented the Customize Notification option to the users. The new version includes new notifications channel which lets users create the fully customizable channel for each type of notification that they want to see. The users can snooze notification to appear at any later time with the same importance as they first appeared with.
- Autofill Framework: Rather than typing the same information, again and again, this new version of Android comes up with upgraded AutoFill feature that will allow the user to fill form automatically such forms include the login information or some card information or something else. This will save the time of user as the user won't have to type the information from scratch every time.
- Picture-In-Picture Mode: Picture-In-Picture mode has been integrated into the new version of Android that will allow the users to implement the functionality of Video Playback in their respective phones. For example, you are playing a video on YouTube and you have switched to some other app while doing so, this feature will allow you to watch the video in that scenario also.
- Wi-Fi Aware: The new Android O adds support for Wi-Fi Aware, which is based on the Neighbour Awareness Networking (NAN) specification. On devices with the appropriate Wi-Fi Aware hardware, apps and nearby devices can discover and communicate over Wi-Fi without an Internet access point.This is something new from the android point of view.
- Background Limitations: Here in the new version of Android, the user won't have to do the background limitation of any app manually. In Android O the operating system will automatically manage the background usage done by an app that will result in significantly improved battery life of your phone and the performance of your device as well.
That's it in this article of mine, If you want to know about the complete list of features that are going to be there on Android O, you can read it from here.
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