

Friday, 24 March 2017

Funny Domain Names !

Whenever an individual or an organization want to go online, the first thing that comes to their mind is to get a website, and as we all know that in order to get our website live on the Internet, we need to own a domain name that will serve as the address of our website. Now, most of the time we try to select the most suitable domain name for our website that completely defines our website inside out.

There have also been times when people selected some domain name and started their website but knowingly or unknowingly these domain name turns out quite funny and represents more than a single meaning.

In this article of mine, I am going to list down some of the funny domain names that are there on the Internet and holds a completely different meaning altogether, if you have a witty mind. We tend to learn lots and lots of things on the Internet and I always try to present something new to you guys, so today I am going to share this funny content with all of you as it is good to have fun as well.

Let us get started:

  • Therapistlocator.Net: When the buyer of this domain name would have purchased it, he/she won't have the idea, that this can lead to a completely different meaning as well. Look is it Therapist Locator or The Rapist Locator, you guys decide.

  • Penisland.net: It is Pen Island my friends, don't think otherwise.

  • WhoRepresents.com: It is Who Represents.com, it is not what you guys thought.

  • Therapistinabox.com: It is Therapist in a box not The Rapist in a box.

  • choosespain.com: It is choose spain.com, not chooses pain.com.

  • Wintersexpress.com: It is Winters Express, not Winter SexPress.

  • Some Other funny domain names are:

    Tits.ac.in: It is the Web site name of an education institute. 
    mp3shits.com: I’m sure they are trying to focus on mp3sHits.
    Speedofart.com : It is Speed of Art.
    Dicksondata.com : It is Dickson data.
    Kidsexchange.net: It is Kids Ex-Change.
    Bendover.com: It is Ben Dover.
    Ladrape.com: It is La Drape! 
    Hireatease.com: It is Hire at Ease 
    Masterbaitonline.com: It is Master bait online.

Well, that's all in this article of mine, I hope you guys have fun while reading this and just want to say that this article is purely for fun purpose and making anyone offended is not my motive, have fun and make sure to share the fun with your friends as well.

Source of Information: https://www.shoutmeloud.com

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